...................................................--- 1980 Endeavour 37 For Sale ---
..........................................................................................$ --- $39,500 ---
.................................................( We have put over $25,000.00 into improvements to the boat )
Our Endeavour 37 is for sale due to our age and distance from our home in Utah
to the boat. Feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address.........
...........................................sumner-1 (at) 1fatgmc (dot) com
........We are cruisers and this boat has been heavily modified for extended, reliable cruising, ........maybe more than any other Endeavour 37. If your goal is extended cruising please ........take the time to look at our boat. ........Due to the fact we weren't always able to get to the boat every year we gave up on ........keeping the teak in a high state of finish. Like a lot of full-time cruisers we decided to ........let the teak go natural. If this is important to you there are some teak finishing supplies ........that come with the boat. You will also find other cosmetic items on the boat that could be ........improved on as you find time. If outward cosmetics are the most important item to you and ........you don't want to do that work yourself then maybe this isn't the boat for you. If you see ........yourself addressing those issues and want a boat where all of the mechanical systems ........have been brought up to modern standards and are looking for a comfortable, capable ........cruising boat then please take the time to look at this boat.
........................( CLICK HERE ) for a general description of the boat and current equipment list.
........................( CLICK HERE ) List of Modifications, Repairs and Maintenance and their costs.
........................( CLICK HERE ) Lots of Photos of the Endeavout.
........................( CLICK HERE )To see why we bought an Endeavour 37 and made the extensive ........................modifications. and updates we have done.
........................( CLICK HERE ) To see pictures of the boat. There are hundreds of them. _______________________________________________________________________________________
........... --- For Much More On Our Endeavour Click Here ---
….........................…...........................................2018 spending the night on the lake by the boatyard. …........................
….. ...................... …..............................................................On the way out to Charlotte Harbor. …........................
….........................Leaving the ICW behind and heading out into the Gulf of Mexico. …........................
...........................................--- For Sale Page Main Index ---
................................--- Description of Boat & Equipment List ---
......................--- Modifications Repairs and Maintenance and their cost ---
............................................. --- Photos of the Boat ---
............................ --- For Much More On Our Endeavour Click Here ---....